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How to Construct 2 games to Apk using Cordova accurately

Construct 2 Games in Apk

Convert Construct 2 games to Apk and Publish your game and app into a mobile platform.

Construct 2 Engine:

Construct 2 engine is a fantastic game engine.

It let you design web game quickly with visual coding. However, the biggest drawback of the construct 2 engine is that it can’t directly export to android or ios.

For that, the developer will be required to upgrade to construct 3 engines it exports directly to the platform But if you don’t want to upgrade to construct 3 there is a way developer can export to android and ios.


Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework.

It allows users to build cross-platform mobile apps with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, Therefore, It allows users to publish to the android and ios platforms.

All you need is to create a Cordova project and place the project inside it After that, a developer can create the app for multiple platforms.

In short, Cordova is a lifeline for construct 2 developers.


Create Cordova Project

Before you create a Cordova project, download and install all the required components.


you can download from here.

Java SE Runtime Environment:Construct 2 games to Apk

download from here


download from here

Installing Cordova:Construct 2 games to Apk

Open your command prompt and type npm install -g Cordova, this will install Cordova After that create a project.

Create a project with the folder name, package name, and project name for instance

cordova create fallballz com.pogames.fallball fallballz

Lastly, go to the project and add a platform that you wish to publish, As a result, this will fetch android settings into your project, As an example

cordova platform add android

Construct 2 :

To begin with, Go to your Construct 2 project and export your game. You Cordova option for export. As a result, they will create a compatible file.

Android Studio:

Open Android Studio and import the Cordova project. Afterward, go to the assets > www folder and paste the construct game.

Lastly, Run the game and test it on an emulator

Video Tutorial: Construct 2 games to Apk

construct 2 apk

Similarly, You can show ads Including AdMob, applovin etc, bu using enhance plugin, As a result, you can monetize your app

In conclusion, now you can build construct 2 games to Apk and publish it in the google play store.

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